the mysterious disappearance of a couple in Cantal

The days pass, and the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Yvon and Jennifer Exbrayat thickens. Originally from Ségur-les-Villas, a small village in Cantal, this 51-year-old man and his 35-year-old wife vanished six days apart without leaving the slightest clue, and leaving their 13-year-old daughter alone. On November 30, the Aurillac prosecutor’s office opened a judicial investigation for disappearance. The investigations were entrusted to the gendarmes of Murat and the Saint-Flour search brigade, who are still trying to understand what happened to the couple.

Yvon is the first to have strangely disappeared. On November 17, after an argument with his wife, the father leaves their home behind the wheel of his truck. Jennifer is worried, her husband does not answer the phone and give her no news. Three days later, she decides to warn the gendarmes of this worrying absence. The case is taken seriously because Yvon has, “within the framework of another case, undergone a psychiatric expertise having in particular highlighted a suicidal tendency”, indicates to us Paolo Giambiasi, the public prosecutor. from Aurillac.

Truck found

An investigation is opened and investigations carried out in order to locate him. But on November 23, Jennifer also fainted in the wild. It was the couple’s 13-year-old daughter who sounded the alarm when she got home from school, after seeing her mother’s absence, who left her cell phone. The day before, the latter had modified her Facebook photo, indicating that she “return[a] heaven and earth to find ”her husband. An investigation for disappearance is then opened by the prosecution. But, so far, only the Volvo truck that Yvon uses for his job has been found. He was stationed in Vernols, about ten kilometers from Ségur-les-Villas. Investigators found no sign of disorder in the vehicle, which was locked.

The couple have lived for several years in a wooden chalet that Yvon, head of a forestry company, built with his own hands on the heights of the village. Jennifer, who is a “reflexologist, magnetizer, naturopath”, receives her clients there. “I offer you personalized support in all types of pathologies”, she writes on her Facebook page. “Listening and empathy allow me to relieve you with my magnetism, recalcitrant pain, stress, skin, sleep problems. “

Poor reputation

The inhabitants of this village of 200 souls did not welcome the arrival of this couple, from the Loire and the Allier. Very quickly, we stuck the reputation of being “deadbeat”, explains the newspaper in particular. The mountain. “These are people who have concerns”, further confides to the Parisian the mayor of the town, Gilles Amat. And the city councilor to add: “Tensions appeared in the spring when their son had to be placed, by decision of the children’s judge. In the village, it is said that it was the boy’s parents who decided to abandon him. “Another child of the couple had already been placed by decision of the children’s judge several months previously,” confirms the prosecutor of Aurillac.

A call for witnesses was broadcast on Youtube. The video, which lasts 3 min 22 s, shows two photos of the couple, including one taken in front of a waterfall. Red cap and yellow polo shirt, this man measuring 1.80 m and with the imposing build is holding his wife, dark brown hair and camo t-shirt, by the size. According to a source familiar with the matter, investigators are wondering if Yvon and Jennifer would not have disappeared “voluntarily enough” to escape their problems. While waiting to know what happened to those whom the press nicknamed “the disappeared of Cantal”, their 13-year-old daughter was placed in a children’s home.

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