the muscular speech of Mbappé to shake the Blues at half-time

TF1’s “Merci les Bleus” documentary showed Kylian Mbappé speaking at half-time in the France-Argentina World Cup final (3-3, 4-2 tab). The French striker is appalled by what he saw in the first half, at the end of which the Albiceleste led 2-0.

What did the Blues say to each other at half-time in the final against Argentina? After a catastrophic first period, without a single shot attempted, the French are down 2-0 at Lusail Stadium. The documentary “Merci les Bleus” broadcast Tuesday evening on TF1 allows to discover that Kylian Mbappé spoke in front of the group to express his frustration and try to remobilize the troops.

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Standing, dumbfounded by what he has just seen, the one who will then distinguish himself with a memorable hat-trick says loud and clear: “It’s a World Cup final, it’s the match of a lifetime. We don’t Can’t get any worse, anyway. We go back on the field, either we let them play dumb or we go there, we put a little intensity and we go into the duels and we do something else guys. “It’s a World Cup final. It’s done, they scored two goals, we’re down two goals. We can come back! Guys, it’s something like this every four years”.

Kylian Mbappé at half-time in the France-Argentina final, in the documentary Merci les Bleus
Kylian Mbappé at half-time in the France-Argentina final, in the documentary Merci les Bleus © TF1 screenshot

Mandanda angry, Deschamps hurt

Steve Mandanda takes over in stride. The replacement for Hugo Lloris is much more annoyed: “Now guys, it’s done. We lose 2-0, it’s done. Afterwards, that’s what we want. We all did it once. time, turn the game around. And it’s possible. But you have to go on the field with a different state of mind, guys. It’s not possible to do that, final, guys, shit! We did everything to that!”

Didier Deschamps continues with a calmer tone. At least, at the beginning: “Guys, I’ll tell you without getting upset. Do you know the difference? It’s that they, opposite, are playing a fucking World Cup final. And we, we don’t don’t play it!”. Meanwhile, the tone of his voice rose. Above all, the coach hit the table in the center of the locker room with all his might.

“I was really not happy at half-time. Besides, I lost a finger on the spot, he confides a posteriori in an interview facing the camera. We had this quality, this strength of character. I like it, I love it. Don’t let go. Everything is going very fast. You have to believe in it until the end.”

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