The movement renewed against the appointment of Geoffroy Lejeune

Rather than in the wound, the feathers of the Sunday newspaper will remain in the inkwell. The drafting of JDD voted almost unanimously to continue until Thursday the strike movement started six days ago to denounce the appointment as its head of far-right journalist Geoffroy Lejeune. In total, 97% of voters expressed themselves in favor of the continuation of the movement (90 for, 3 against, 4 who did not decide), detailed the Society of Journalists (SDJ) in a press release, specifying that a new vote will take place. would take place on Thursday morning.

“Despite the scale of the dispute, Arnaud Lagardère”, the CEO of the eponymous group whose absorption by Vivendi, belonging to Vincent Bolloré, has just been authorized under conditions by Brussels, “maintained this choice in the face of the assembled editorial “, justified the SDJ. “Arnaud Lagardère did not reassure the editorial staff”, she lamented on Tuesday, after the visit of the leader who, according to her, “demonstrated his ignorance of the profile of Geoffroy Lejeune, a person whose values ​​are in total contradiction with those of the log “.

A support party on Tuesday evening

The appointment of the journalist marked on the far right, former managing editor of Current Values, has been causing a stir in journalistic and political circles since last week. Tuesday evening, nearly a thousand people gathered at the call of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) at the Free Theater in Paris to support the strikers and defend their editorial independence as, more broadly, the freedom of the press.

“We will say no to an ogre [Vincent Bolloré et Vivendi] who devours the news media […] and transforms them into opinion media”, launched Christophe Deloire, secretary general of the organization, in front of an audience made up of several political or union leaders and media personalities. This evening of support was added to a forum entitled “Le JDD cannot become a newspaper in the service of far-right ideas” published Tuesday in The world and signed by more than 650 personalities.

Arnaud Lagardère assured Monday at Figaro having decided “alone” on the appointment of Geoffroy Lejeune by “economic and not at all ideological choice”, while many see it as the hand of billionaire Vincent Bolloré, with deemed ultra-conservative opinions. For the takeover of Lagardère by Vivendi to be effective, the latter must still sell the Editis publishing group and the magazine Galaaccording to the conditions set by Brussels.

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