The Motocultor festival leaves Morbihan for the Vieilles Charrues site in Carhaix

The move had been discussed for several months. It is now official. The metal festival motocultor, which will celebrate its 14th edition in 2023, will leave Morbihan to join Finistère and, more specifically, Carhaix. The metal event, which is enjoying growing notoriety in the shadow of Hellfest, was installed until then in the outskirts of Vannes. It has been held since 2013 in the municipality of Saint-Nolff. In Carhaix, on the Kerampuilh sitewhich already hosts the Vieilles Charrues festival every year in July, the organizers of the Motocultor will have access to a larger, more accessible site.

“We are aware that, for some, our departure is heartbreaking. Arriving in the territory of Carhaix, we intend to perpetuate our festival in good reception and working conditions. Kerampuilh offers us facilities and infrastructure that will make organization easier, great mobility and a whole range of new configurations,” justifies the direction of the Motocultor.

Spent three to four days

The maximum capacity of the site will not exceed 15,000 people. Nearly 50,000 spectators were counted last year in Saint-Nolff. “We will continue to bring a majority of international groups to the festival, to highlight the regional and emerging Metal scene, as well as our traditional Breton artists”, promises the organization.

Like its cousin Hellfest, based in Clisson (Loire-Atlantique), Motocultor has chosen to switch from a three-day to four-day festival format. A little over a hundred groups should be programmed. The ticket office is not yet open.

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