“The most traumatic thing in my life”, explains the second plaintiff in the trial against the Frenchman

An alleged victim of Benjamin Mendy has claimed the France international tried to silence her after he raped her three times in a bedroom where the footballer lured her by stealing his mobile phone. “Don’t tell anyone and you can come back here every night,” the 20-year-old said, quoting the footballer, in hard-to-sustain testimony released Thursday at the player’s trial in Chester, near Liverpool.

Locked up in the world champion’s room

The alleged victim said he met Mendy and friends during an outing near the footballer’s house in October 2020 and agreed to go there afterwards. On the spot, while she was consulting her phone, Mendy grabbed it, accusing him of taking pictures of himaccording to her.

She then followed him into the house, to his bedroom, the opening of which was triggered by fingerprint. The door closed behind them. “Look, I want my phone, I don’t know what you’re thinking. I don’t want to have sex with you,” she recalled saying. The player’s response, according to her: “Anyway, I locked the door”.

Mendy then forced her to undress and raped her three times in about twenty minutes, despite her repeated refusals: “I don’t want to do that (…) I have to leave”. “My body was so tense, I was in a lot of pain,” she recalled, saying that she bled after these forced reports. “I said several times that I did not want to, impossible that my words could have been misinterpreted”

“My body was so tense, I was in a lot of pain”

And she said Mendy, after the rapes, called her “shy”, bragged about having sex with “10,000 women”, and tried to obtain her silence in exchange for a return. the next days. “As if it had been a privilege to come every night to do this with him,” said the young woman again.

The 28-year-old French defender, suspended for a year by Manchester City, appears for eight rapes, an attempted rape and a sexual assault against seven women. The prosecution presented him as a “predator” who abused “vulnerable, terrified and isolated” victims. He denies the ten counts brought against him for facts which allegedly took place between October 2018 and August 2021 at his home in Prestbury, Cheshire. He faces life imprisonment. The highly publicized trial, which is taking place at Chester Crown Court, is expected to last more than three months.

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