The morning extended by 30 minutes at the start of the school year and Charline Vanhoenacker on a weekly basis

A wind of novelty will blow on France Inter at the start of the school year. Charline Vanhoenacker on a weekly basis, a 30-minute extension and the arrival of four columnists: the radio morning will move, reveals Catherine Nayl, director of radio information in an interview with AFP on Tuesday.

With the arrival at its head of the philosopher and radio host Adèle Van Reeth in September, replacing Laurence Bloch, France Inter will introduce several changes in the segment listened to each day by more than 4 million listeners. Main change: Charline Vanhoenacker, who until now made a political humor post every day at 7:57 a.m., will make an appearance only once a week.

The humor box will not disappear

“Charline will keep a weekly box in the morning, but we do not yet know exactly at what time. We are discussing it with her, ”said Catherine Nayl, adding that she was keeping her show By Jupiter at 5 p.m. Asked if Matthieu Noël, host of Europe 1, could take over the chronicle currently embodied by the Belgian satirical journalist, as the daily asserts The Parisian, she declared “cannot confirm anything”. She explained, however, that this box of humor continued, always in front of a guest. The other box devoted to humor at 8:55 am will also be retained.

Between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Léa Salamé and Nicolas Demorand will continue to host the morning show, then between 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., Sonia Devillers will replace Léa Salamé within the duo, to lead a half-hour devoted “through an interview with witnesses of our time “. It may be “people from the media and social networks, but also people who have a link with a social phenomenon, who may have been revealed by the media, who may have suffered from the media or social networks”. “So it will be wider than The moment M and there may be a column, ”added Catherine Nayl.

The schedule so far devoted to Boomerang (9 a.m. to 9:40 a.m.), the cultural event hosted by Augustin Trapenard, will be postponed by half an hour, in a “new version”.

The team of “In all subjectivity” renewed

On the editorial side, the journalist Thomas Legrand, who has decided to stop the political ticket he has been signing for 14 years, will be replaced by the head of the political department, Yaël Goosz. The morning show of France Inter – the most listened to in France since 2015 – will also keep its chronicle In all subjectivity, which gives the floor daily and in turn to journalists or bearers of particular opinions. “We decided to continue it and even more with the results of these legislative elections,” said Catherine Nayl, stressing the importance of making differences heard and the desire for other voices. The whole team will be renewed, with the exception of Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundation, who will stay on Friday.

Thus, the journalists Natacha Polony (Marianne), Alexandre Devecchio (Le Figaro), Etienne Gernelle (Point), and the former minister and current director of the NGO Oxfam, Cécile Duflot, will leave. They will be replaced by Dov Alfon, director of Release (Monday), Guillaume Roquette, editorial director of Figaro Magazine (Tuesday), Hugo Clément (Wednesday) and Anne Rosencher, deputy editorial director at The Express (Thursday).

On Friday morning, from 8:45 a.m., a column devoted to the environment will be hosted by Sandy Dauphin and Célia Quilleret, two in-house journalists. “We really have this ambition to raise awareness,” said Catherine Nayl.

She also refuted the assertions qualifying France Inter as a left-wing radio. “We are not an opinion media. We are a public service media that caters to a wide range of listeners,” she said. “It’s normal when we are the first morning in France to be attacked from both sides, but precisely, we are attacked from both sides: sometimes we are too macronists, sometimes we are too rebellious”, she added. “When we do In all subjectivityit’s an opening to people who can come from opinion media”.

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