The morale of French households down for the 7th consecutive month

The arrival of the summer holidays did not make the French smile. Household morale in France recorded a seventh consecutive month of decline in July, a pessimism that affects all aspects of the personal and financial situation of households, according to the monthly survey carried out by INSEE.

The indicator that summarizes household confidence lost two points to fall to 80, well below the long-term average which is 100, said the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. Overall, households in France remain worried about the evolution of their financial situation, both past and future, with the two indicators each falling by one point. The proportion of households considering it appropriate to make major purchases fell by three points.

Return of the fear of unemployment

The concern is expressed more frankly concerning the evolution of the standard of living in France: the proportion of households believing that the standard of living has improved in France has fallen by five points and that of households showing themselves optimistic about the future standard of living will contract by three points. In both cases, these indicators remain well below their respective long-term average.

Concerning the evolution of prices, the proportion of households considering that they have increased over the last twelve months rose by one point, to reach its highest level since the summer of 2008, but those expecting an acceleration in inflation is down slightly (one point), but remains above its long-term average.

Finally, the fear of unemployment continued the rebound observed in June, with a further rise of three points, still well below its long-term average. However, the unemployment figures are positive: Dares has just announced a 0.8% drop in the number of category A unemployed.

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