The Monero community has expressed concern as a mining pool approaches 51% of the total hash rate.

MineXMR Monero Mining Hash Rate (XMR) break through 1.4 GH/s, which accounts for 44% of the hash rate of the XMR network. MineXMR has approximately 13,000 miners and charges a 1% pool fee, according to a screenshot from As of August, the pool said. think only 34% of the Hash Rate of the entire XMR network

This rapid increase in the Hash Rate worries some XMR enthusiasts. By Reddit user u/vscmm writethat :

“We need to talk to MineXMR to take some action right now! Please send an email to [email protected] To reach the administrators of MineXMR, because the pool of 51% is not beneficial to the community or the pool.”

If there is a 51% attack, the perpetrators involved can manipulate network transactions to use their crypto to double-spend. However, because Monero spoofs sender and receiver identities through hidden addresses and ring signatures. This makes the hacker’s ability in this case more limited. in theory They can use such attacks to mine empty blocks or use their XMR to double-spend by selling them to exchanges.

A Reddit user pointed out that MineXMR revealThe location of the company’s office openly located in the United Kingdom And 51% of operations involving fraud are likely to have criminal consequences in those countries.

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