The Mayor, Bardella, Vallaud… The parties have their “grand oral” in front of the bosses of Medef

Solo or in tandem, they will have to develop their economic thesis in fifteen minutes. The parties and coalitions competing for the legislative elections will hold their grand oral this Thursday, on the stage of the Gaveau room, in front of representatives of Medef.

With a boss-sized cast, naturally: Edouard Philippe will represent his Horizons party, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire the presidential camp and Senator Bruno Retailleau the non-ciottist LR. Only right-wing men, a priori not the type to put economic circles in PLS.

The sequence could prove more complicated for the RN and the New Popular Front whose economic programs arouse concern in business circles. Especially since to reassure and court, they sent teams.


For Le RN, it is Jordan Bardella and Eric Ciotti who will defend together their common program about which in truth we still know little. The New Popular Front chose the pair Eric Cocquerel/Boris Vallaud, an LFI deputy president of the finance committee and not particularly a “barker” and the president of the socialist group in the dissolved Assembly.

The exam is expected to last all morning. In addition to the fifteen minutes to detail the program, the “candidates” will then have to submit to the question-and-answer game for thirty minutes.

Measures deemed “dangerous” by Medef

Even before this oral hearing, Medef, the leading French employers’ organization, on Wednesday described the measures proposed by the National Rally and the New Popular Front as “dangerous” for the French economy.

Our file on the legislative elections

“If these programs materialize in 2024 or after”, they would cause “tax increases, (…) the departure of foreign investors and massive business bankruptcies, therefore job destruction”, warned the organization employers’ association which has 200,000 member companies employing 10 million people.

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