“The Masked Singer”: Thore Schölermann replaces Matthias Opdenhövel

“The Masked Singer”
Thore Schölermann replaces Matthias Opdenhövel

Matthias Opdenhövel (left) has to pass the start of “The Masked Singer”, Thore Schölermann replaces him.

© ProSieben/Willi Weber / ProSieben/Willi Weber

For Matthias Opdenhövel, who is suffering from Corona, the start of “The Masked Singer” comes too early. He will be replaced by Thore Schölermann.

Until shortly before the start of the new “The Masked Singer” season on March 19 (always on Saturdays, 8:15 p.m., live on ProSieben and on Joyn), there was still hope on ProSieben that regular presenter Matthias Opdenhövel (51 ) can lead through the show. But now it is certain: Unfortunately, the first live episode is still too early for Opdenhövel, who suffered from Corona last week. However, a suitable replacement is provided. Actor and TV presenter Thore Schölermann (37) will represent him at the start of the sixth “Masked Singer” edition.

The 37-year-old knows only too well the extraordinary situation in which the ten veiled celebrities will soon find themselves. He was part of the format’s fourth season, which aired in spring 2021. Back then, he had to reveal himself as a monstronaut just before the final, and in the end he finished fifth.

Schölermann is looking forward to the spontaneous task, but first and foremost he keeps his fingers crossed for Opdenhövel that he will be fit again as soon as possible: “I love the show and it’s an honor for me to step in. Dear Matthias, I’m doing my best, To represent you in a manner befitting your status. Get well soon,” he is quoted as saying by the broadcaster. Meanwhile, Opdenhövel thanks his short-term replacement, but also addresses a wish to the energetic monstronaut: “But please leave the booth until I come back next week, you little wrecking ball!”

Opdenhövel hopes for episode two

Also via his official Instagram account Opdenhövel has already commented on the fact that he is condemned to watch episode one of the new season. For a picture that shows him with three of the ten masks, he writes: “I was so looking forward to the 6th season of ‘The Masked Singer’! But unfortunately I can’t be at the start tomorrow due to the corona. I’m very I’m sad about it, but hopefully I’ll be able to meet my new gang and everyone else next Saturday!”

The picture shows the zebra, the seagull and the thorny devil. Also known are the gorilla, the starfish and the koala. The costume designed by a fan for the first time in a competition will be called Brilli, while three other costumes are still completely secret.

On the other hand, the first guessing guest in the three-person jury has already been determined. Comedian Ralf Schmitz (47) will be able to guess on Saturday which stars could be hiding behind the masks. Ruth Moschner (45) and Rea Garvey (48) are firmly on the jury again in season six.


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