“The Masked Singer”: The teddy returns on stage

“The Masked Singer”
The teddy returns to the stage

After surviving the corona infection, the teddy can appear again on “The Masked Singer”.

© ProSieben / Willi Weber

In the last edition of “The Masked Singer” the teddy had to sit out. The masked celebrity will be back on Saturday.

Perhaps thanks to his apparently thick fur, but certainly also because of the double vaccination, the teddy bear will be able to perform again at “The Masked Singer” next Saturday after surviving a corona infection. ProSieben confirmed that on Friday. “Welcome back, Teddy. Nice to have you back,” said moderator Matthias Opdenhövel (51) in a message.

It is not yet known which celebrity is hiding under the teddy mask and who canceled last Saturday due to Corona. Maybe the teddy will be unmasked in the upcoming fourth live show. In any case, the guessing team and the audience will puzzle out which stars are still there.

Which celebrity is on the guessing team this time?

Ruth Moschner (45) and Rea Garvey (48) get support from Thore Schölermann (37) this time. The actor and presenter is celebrating his return to the successful format. In the fourth season, Schölermann hid in a monstronaut costume. “I’m really looking forward to immersing myself in the fantastic world of ‘The Masked Singer’ again,” explains the 37-year-old. “Perhaps, as a former monstronaut, I can support Ruth and Rea a little with my insider knowledge.”

The guessing team is currently trying to figure out the identity of teddy, pug, phoenix, caterpillar, axolotl, heroine and Mülli Müller. The tiger can also be seen exclusively online. So far, “Tagesschau” head spokesman Jens Riewa (58, Chili), ex-soccer professional Pierre Littbarski (61, hammerhead) and entertainer legend Peter Kraus (82, skunk) have been exposed.

“The Masked Singer” always runs on Saturdays from 8:15 pm on ProSieben. The grand finale will take place on November 20th.


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