“The Masked Singer” at ProSieben: Jutta Speidel was the walrus

“The Masked Singer”
“Such a crazy idea”: Actress Jutta Speidel hid under the walrus

“The Masked Singer”: Actress Jutta Speidel was the walrus

© Willi Weber / ProSieben

Despite glitter jewelry and rhinestone teeth, it wasn’t enough for the next episode: The walrus had to say goodbye to the stage in “The Masked Singer”. Under the costume was a well-known German actress.

The actress Jutta Speidel left the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer” as a pink-clad walrus lady. The 68-year-old received too few viewer votes on Saturday evening. So she had to take off her mask with the rhinestone tusks. The prominent rate team, consisting of Ruth Moschner, Carolin Kebekus and Eko Fresh, had not counted on Speidel: None of the three had previously guessed the Munich-born actress and speaker. “It’s nice how everyone was on the wrong track. I really enjoyed that,” Speidel said after her departure.

When she got the request for the show, she was very surprised. “I thought: Who comes up with such a crazy idea?” But now she is “glad” about the experience. As Waltraut, the walrus, Speidel had the song “What You Waiting For?” sung by Gwen Stefani. In her own words, she had already rehearsed “two beautiful love songs” for upcoming shows. But she can no longer present it after leaving: “It’s really a shame.”

Speidel had her breakthrough in 1974 as the leading actress in the television film “DieLast Holidays”. Since then she has appeared in numerous film, television and theater productions. The 68-year-old also works as a radio play and voice actress and has published several books.

Her character Waltraut, on the other hand, pursued completely different activities in the costume show. The walrus presented itself in the video clips as a supermarket cashier, who also became well-known on the internet with social media videos. However, the celebrities who rated the biography – correctly – considered this biography to be fictitious.

“The Masked Singer”: The rate team guessed Iris Berben or Tina Ruland

Before the reveal, members of the guessing team knew they’d be surprised by the star under the mask. “No one here has a clue,” Kebekus said. However, it quickly became clear that the walrus in the glitter outfit was not a professional singer. Kebekus finally guessed Speidel’s fellow actress Iris Berben. Moschner named Beatrice Richter and Eko Fresh decided on Tina Ruland.

In addition to the walrus, the robot “No Name” also had to tremble to get through in this episode. The broadcaster had previously asked for name suggestions for the lonely metal man. The viewers sent in 36,000 ideas, said moderator Matthias Opdenhövel. Five proposals – Rosty, Robert, Schrauby, Lonely and Büchsen Bernhard – are now up for voting. In the next broadcast on October 15, the robot will then be given a new name.

In the music show, celebrities appear as singers, but hide their identities behind elaborate costumes. The stars are revealed as soon as they don’t get enough votes or win at the very end. After the second episode, a whistle in a tracksuit, a werewolf and a black mamba are still in the running. ProSieben will show the finale on November 5th.


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