“The Masked Dancer”: These are the masks of the new ProSieben show

The show is already running in the USA and Great Britain, and “The Masked Dancer” is also starting in this country. Similar to the successful format “The Masked Singer”, costumed celebrities appear, only this time it’s not about the singing, but about the dancing talent. Seven stars take part in the show, but so far only five masks are known. The other two are set to be revealed on the first live show on Thursday evening.

Matthias Opdenhövel moderates, the jury is made up of Steven Gätjen and singer Alexander Klaws, who won the fifth season of “The Masked Singer” as a garbage monster. As the third council guest, there should be a female celebrity on a weekly basis.

Initially, a season of “The Masked Dancer” with four live shows is planned. To be seen from January 6th at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben.


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