The mask will be compulsory for the spectators of the Tour de France

No closed door, but the compulsory wearing of a mask, while the Covid-19 epidemic is on the rise. The hundreds of thousands of spectators expected along the two stages of the Tour de France in Gironde, on July 16 and 17, will have to wear it to avoid the transmission of Covid-19. This obligation therefore concerns the 19th stage, linking Mourenx (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) to Libourne and crossing 25 municipalities of Gironde, then the 20th, the Girondin time trial between Libourne and Saint-Émilion,

The prefect of Gironde Florence Buccio published a decree on Thursday evening imposing the wearing of a mask for anyone aged eleven and over “walking on foot in Libourne in the spectator departure and arrival areas as well as within the Fan Park on July 16 and 17, 2021 ”. Same obligation “in Saint-Emilion, in the spectator area of ​​arrival on July 17, 2021” as well as “in a space of 100 meters on each side of the Tour de France course on the days of its passage through the municipalities of the department”.

These health measures were taken “in consultation with the health authorities, state services and the International Cycling Union”, specifies the prefecture. According to the latest situation update from ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine, published on July 2, the incidence rate in the department was 18.5 per 100,000 inhabitants.

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