the Manko security guard, accused of racism, points the finger at his superiors

Were there instructions from above causing the Manko security guard to turn away black customers? While the restaurant a stone’s throw from the Champs-Elysées, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, has been in turmoil sincea video testimonial circulates on social networks where we see three women turned back at the entrance of the sign while they were made up and dressed, the testimony of the security guard comes to relaunch the controversy. This one performs on BFM TV that he had instructions from his superiors not to let “many Africans” in.

“I was told right away: ‘There aren’t many Africans you have to leave behind. [entrer]there are not many North Africans you have to leave [entrer]. It must not be community “”, he explains to BFM TV, specifying that the instructions come from “managers”.

Open investigation

On the evening of July 16, three young women who had reserved a table in this restaurant located on the very chic Avenue Montaigne were turned away. The story broke when, a few days later, one of them posted a video on Tik Tok. “But we are dressed in evening dress! It’s a joke! […] What should I have worn? Exclaims one of the three women in this video, where we see white people entering the establishment without difficulty while other black people are denied access.

@tiguiidialloMy first experience of Racism at the restaurant Manko in Paris. Am just gonna let this here and go on with my life.
♬ original sound – tiguidiallo

The video quickly goes viral. On July 20, journalist and activist Rokhaya Diallo wrote on Twitter : “Note the name of this place which practices racism without complex: Manko Paris”. Two days later, an investigation was opened for discrimination based on origin, ethnicity or nationality. And the video, accompanied by the caption “My first experience of racism”, has more than 650,000 views.

SOS Racisme asks justice “to establish the reality of the facts”

The restaurant apologized in a statement posted on Instagram. “Manko respects a charter of values ​​which advocates equality, respect, tolerance and benevolence”, assures the establishment, announcing that “the necessary sanctions were immediately and permanently taken”.

The association SOS Racisme, evokes a leader, Tony Gomez, who “several times welcomed SOS Racisme in its establishments and participated in several of the dinners of the godmothers and godfathers of the association”. The association asks the courts “to establish the reality of the facts”.

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