the man suspected of having murdered two HRDs and a Pole Emploi advisor still refuses to participate in the reconstructions

Gabriel Fortin persists. The engineer, who is suspected of having killed two HRDs and a Pôle emploi adviser in January 2021 in Drôme, Ardèche and Haut-Rhin, once again refused to participate in one of the murder reconstructions.

Led this Tuesday to Guilherand-Granges, in Ardèche, where the director of human resources of the company Faun Environnement was murdered on January 28, 2021, the suspect remained silent, revealed this Wednesday the parquet floor of Valence.

Same attitude since the beginning of the procedure

“Once on the scene, he expressed his refusal to participate and to express himself as has been the case since the start of the procedure”, indicates the deputy prosecutor of Valence, Marie-Caroline Gervason, in a press release, specifying that his lawyers participated. Gabriel Fortin had already adopted the same attitude last December 14, during a first reconstitution, in the Drôme this time.

On Tuesday, the reconstitution “began outside the company” and “continued inside the premises in the presence of certain witnesses and colleagues of the victim, then outside in order to determine the direction taken” by the suspect “when he left the scene”, details the prosecution.

A fourth person assaulted

The investigation revealed that he had been removed from the Pôle emploi agency in Valence in 2013 and that he had worked at Faun Environnement between 2008 and 2010. The gendarmes also quickly established a link with the murder of another HRD, shot two days earlier in the parking lot of his company in Wolfgantzen (Haut-Rhin) and with the aggression of a human resources manager, at his home in Wattwiller (Haut-Rhin).

These two people had dismissed Gabriel Fortin, 46 years old during his arrest, from a company in Eure-et-Loir in 2008.

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