the main suspect indicted for “assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise”, and imprisoned

The main suspect in the knife attack in which a young German-Filipino tourist was killed on Saturday evening near the Eiffel Tower and two other people were injured was indicted on Wednesday, December 6, for “assassination and attempted assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise and in a state of legal recidivism”, and for “criminal terrorist association”. The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) announced in the afternoon the opening of a judicial investigation into the attack.

The Franco-Iranian Armand Rajabpour-Miyandoab was placed in pre-trial detention on Wednesday evening, his lawyer told the press. A judge of freedoms and detention (JLD) also decided to place him in solitary confinement, deplored Me Clémentine Perros.

According to a judicial source, the 26-year-old man claimed during his police custody that he had responded to a “call at the end of October from ISIS, asking to kill Jews”. He said he acted “in response to the abuses of the State of Israel in the Gaza Strip”.

During the hearing before the JLD, the attacker, with a long black beard and scratches on his face, appeared concentrated, noted a journalist from Agence France-Presse. The debates were then held behind closed doors.

Release of police custody of one of his relatives

The custody of the attacker’s relative was also lifted during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, the PNAT declared to Agence France-Presse. Custody has been lifted “no prosecution at this stage”, we specified from the same source. This measure “was no longer necessary for the ongoing investigations, there was no evidence against him likely to constitute a criminal offense”.

According to a source close to the case, this 27-year-old woman “belongs to the jihadist sphere” and had received a recent marriage proposal from the Franco-Iranian Armand Rajabpour-Miyandoab, as revealed by some media. The assailant, aged 26, had “seen the day before” of his action, according to a source close to the investigation.

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“Very cold”, “clinical”, “disembodied”

The author of the attack, known to the intelligence services for his radical Islamism and his psychiatric disorders, said he had acted “reaction to the persecution of Muslims around the world”. He appeared before the police ” very cold “, “clinic”, “disembodied”according to the source close to the investigation.

Armand Rajabpour-Miyandoab was arrested just after the attack which caused the death of a 23-year-old German-Filipino tourist and injured two other people, Saturday evening not far from the Eiffel Tower, a few months before the Olympic Games in the capital city. The government is under pressure following this attack and that which occurred in mid-October in Arras (Pas-de-Calais), which cost the life of a teacher and led to the Vigipirate plan being raised to the maximum “emergency” level. attack.”

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“All countries in the world are exposed to risks that must be avoided. We are mobilizing resources for these Olympic Games and we will mobilize more if necessary”said Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne on Wednesday in an interview with Figaro.

Since Saturday, the attacker’s medical monitoring has raised questions and criticism. The anti-terrorism prosecutor, Jean-François Ricard, reported on Sunday evening that the attacker, listed for Islamist radicalization, was “subject to a treatment order involving tight psychiatric monitoring and controlled by a coordinating doctor” until the end of his probation, April 26, 2023, after a new psychiatric assessment.

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