The main parties expected by the bosses for a grand oral…

Even before this oral discussion by the main parties, Medef, the country’s leading employers’ organization, on Wednesday described the measures proposed by the National Rally and the New Popular Front as “dangerous” for the French economy.

“If these programs materialize in 2024 or after”, they would cause “tax increases, (…) the departure of foreign investors and massive business bankruptcies, therefore job destruction”, warned the organization which has 200,000 member companies employing 10 million people.

The representatives of the main parties in the legislative race are presenting their program this Thursday to employers’ organizations, including Medef, at a time when the left and the far right are accused of making too expensive promises.

Edouard Philippe for Horizons, Éric Coquerel and Boris Vallaud for the New Popular Front, Jordan Bardella and Éric Ciotti for the National Rally and its partners, Bruno Le Maire for Ensemble pour la République, and Bruno Retailleau for Les Républicains must follow one another on the stage from the Gaveau room in Paris between 8:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Each party or coalition will have 15 minutes to detail its program before answering questions for thirty minutes.

Hello everyone. On this Thursday, June 20, 2024, the editorial staff of 20 minutes will once again with this Live give you all the information to best follow the legislative campaign. While the first round is in 10 days, the parties are expected to appear before the employers to develop their economic program.

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