the list of 11 varieties for your orchard

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What you need to know about apple trees and apples

Apple trees

To make an orchard, it is not necessary to have a very large garden. It is important to know that most apple trees are self-sterile, that is, the pollen only pollinates the pistils of its own variety or of a compatible variety and another pollinator is needed to obtain fruit. This is the reason why you must plant at least 2 and different varieties for good pollination, otherwise you will have flowers, but no fruit. The choice of 2 or more varieties will be guided by certain criteria:

  • your taste preferences ;
  • the way you want to eat the apples harvested, raw or cooked;
  • theadaptation to your environment. Indeed, even if in general, apple trees are resistant to cold and appreciate a sunny location sheltered from the winds, check all the same that the climate of your region or the exposure of your garden suits it.


At harvest time, we can distinguish the physiological maturity and the taste maturity. That is to say that when we pick the apples, some varieties then have to wait to be able to consume them. As soon as the first fruits fall from the branches, it is time to harvest. Then store them in a cool, dry place. They can be installed in a crate to allow air to circulate. It is important to watch them and remove any fruit that shows signs of rotting before it infects others.

Summer apples

They will be harvested and consumed in August and September.

Vista Bella

This is one of the first early apples. It must be consumed quickly and allows to enjoy a moderately sweet and rather acidic fruit. It is crunchy and juicy. It is a red apple variegated with yellow. This apple tree is very rustic and likes a sunny or partial shade exposure.


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For large caliber red apples streaked with yellow, you can choose the Delbarestivale. These crunchy apples can be eaten raw or cooked. Their flesh is sweet with a light aniseed scent. They bear to be kept a little longer before being consumed. Again, this is a very hardy apple tree.

Mid-season apples

They are harvested in September and stored until November.


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Golden Delicious, more commonly known as Golden, is easy to grow. It is also the most cultivated apple variety in France. It has a rather neutral taste which is easily enjoyed by the consumer. Indeed, it is rather sweet and its flesh is soft and chewy. It can be eaten raw or cooked, but it will stay firm. It invites itself wonderfully in savory dishes.

Royal Gala

Royal Gala
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The Royal Gala apple is an apple native to New Zealand. It is red in color with slightly orange vertical streaks. It is the second most cultivated apple in France. Its yellow flesh is rather sweet with a touch of bitterness. It’s a juicy apple. It is eaten both cooked and raw.

Queen of the pippin

Queen of Reinettes
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This very old variety was born in Holland at the end of the 18th century. It is small in size and orange-red in color. Its juicy and crunchy flesh makes it a popular apple. It offers a flavor of honey and quince. It is ideal for making tarts Tatin, for example, thanks to its good resistance to baking.

Red Delicious

Red Delicious
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As the name suggests, it is an entirely red apple. Its flesh is firm and it is characterized by its sweet flavor which makes it a pleasant apple to bite into. For its antioxidant content, it comes first in scientific analyzes. This apple is used as a base in a large number of crosses.

Reinette grise du Canada

Reinette Grise From Canada
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It is an apple recognizable by its bronze color, but also by its irregular shape. It is slightly sweet and tangy. Because it has a somewhat floury texture, it is ideal for baking and will turn out to be delicious baked, crumble, etc. It is a vigorous, old and self-fertile variety.


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This delicious apple can be eaten both raw and cooked. Once cooked, it becomes tender. It is characterized by a beautiful orange-red dress. Its yellow flesh is both very sweet and slightly tart. It even offers a little pear taste. Juicy, this apple is firm and crunchy. Jonagold takes its name from the cross from which it comes: “Jonathan” and “Golden Delicious”.


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Rubinette® is a tender apple of medium caliber. It is considered one of the best table apples thanks to its excellent taste qualities. Indeed, its aroma is very intense. Yellow washed with red, it comes from the cross between Golden Delicious and Cox’s Orange Pippin.

Winter apples

They are harvested from October and can be stored for several months.

Granny smith

Granny smith
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The Granny Smith is easily recognizable with her beautiful shiny green color. It is an apple that keeps very well, so you can enjoy it until April / May. The skin of this apple is rich in antioxidants. Very good to eat, it can also be used in salads, because its flesh does not turn brown when cut and remains in the open air. It is an apple that is rather eaten raw. This juicy apple has a tangy taste and is very firm. This apple tree is not only hardy, but also an excellent pollinator of other varieties.


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Another red apple is Fuji. It is crunchy and slightly tart. It is a juicy apple which is very thirst-quenching and highly appreciated in the first heat. It can be chewed or used to prepare apple juice or compotes. It is a very vigorous apple tree which very quickly offers good harvests.

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