“The Lion’s Den”: These DHDL products bring in millions today

Watch the video: “The Lion’s Den” – these clever products are bringing in millions today.

The start-up show “Die Höhle der Löwen” is not only a successful television format, but also a real stepping stone for many participants to get their business ideas off the ground.
One product clearly stands out from the mass of ideas presented: Smartsleep. The investors Dalf Dümmel and Carsten Maschmeyer joined the start-up with 1.5 million euros. The dietary supplement promises that you wake up refreshed in the morning after a short night’s sleep. Carsten Maschmeyer said in an interview that the investment was his most successful deal, within just 6 months the value of the company is said to have increased sixfold.
Investor Georg Kofler opted for a different business idea: ArtNight. This deal was his most successful investment on the show. The idea: Under the guidance of an artist, participants paint a picture that they can take home at the end. ArtNight is active in six countries and in more than 60 cities. Before the corona pandemic, an average of 20,000 people a month attended ArtNight events.
Judith Williams names an organic meal as her most successful DHDL product. Little Lunch made it onto supermarket shelves and is considered the show’s best-known product.
Other products that have made it into the supermarkets are Frank Thelen’s deals such as Ankerkraut’s spice mixes or porridge mixes from 3Bears, as well as YFood’s drinking meals.
Inconspicuous but with double-digit million sales: Waterdrops are small fruit cubes that are supposed to make a delicious drink out of pure water. Dagmar Wörl invested in the company and says today: “The guys have exceeded all of our expectations so far.”

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