The lifeless body discovered is that of the Lille student

The body was discovered Tuesday morning by a couple of farmers in their field in Signy-L’Abbaye (Ardennes), two days after the report of the disappearance. The autopsy confirmed what everyone already knew. This is the body of Valentin Gomes. Missing since Saturday October 2, the 23-year-old student enrolled at Polytech Lille was participating in an integration weekend when he disappeared overnight from Saturday to Sunday. “The autopsy carried out at the Reims forensic institute does not make it possible to determine at this stage the cause of death” or “to find an objective trace of the voluntary intervention of a third party having caused an injury”, said the prosecutor of Charleville-Mézières, Laurent de Caigny.

According to the autopsy, “the death occurred at the place of discovery of the corpse” and “the superficial wounds noted appear compatible with abrasions which may result from accidental friction on thorny vegetation, or even on a barbed wire such as a fence. field “. The prosecution does not however exclude the criminal track. “At this stage the investigation remains criminal, nothing excluding this hypothesis, the route of the deceased from his departure from the evening until his death remains to be specified in order to understand the reason, the meaning and the possible interactions with a third party. “, Adds the prosecution, specifying that” the hearings of witnesses are continuing “. “Only the toxicological and anatomopathological analyzes of the samples taken during the autopsy will be able to shed light on the lethal determinism,” the press release said.

Neither suicidal nor depressed according to his comrades

A student at the Lille engineering school and a native of the Rennes region, Valentin Gomes was not described “as suicidal or depressed by his comrades”, specifies the prosecution. He was alcoholic when he left the Saturday evening and had not returned to the campsite. Faced with the reactions aroused by his disappearance, many Internet users had criticized the organization of the integration weekend. “There has never been any hazing at Polytech”, hammer out the participants.

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