The Legend of Paul and Paula was filmed 50 years ago. – Culture


Peter Richter

Rumms: 49 years ago, “The Legend of Paul and Paula” was released in the cinemas, the film that was ultimately to become the most successful of the GDR. Whereby: What does “at the end” mean – he should have found a large part of his viewers only after they ended. Angela Merkel declared it her official favorite film long after she was Chancellor. And there are enough reasons to love this film on this side of the time and place it was made – just the disappointed fluttering of Angelica Domröse’s lower lip as Paula, for example, or the expressiveness of Winfried Glatzeder’s Adam’s apple as Paul, even from Heiner Carow’s tight direction not to talk. Of course, it would also be interesting to see what Ingrid Reschke, who is also very fast-moving, would have made of it, to whom the film is dedicated in the opening credits, because she was actually supposed to shoot it, but died in a traffic accident a year before the start.

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