The Léa Petitgas affair in “Call for witnesses” this evening on M6, “last chance operation”

More than four years after her mysterious disappearance in Nantes, the photo of Léa Petitgas will appear on M6 this Monday evening. On the occasion of a new issue of the show Call for witnesses, the authorities, investigators, family and friends of this young woman will be on the set to try to revive the case, by soliciting the public’s help to finally understand what could have happened to her. “It is the last chance operation because for the moment, nothing has led us to my daughter, explained to 20 minutes Christophe Petitgas, the father of the disappeared, last month. What I’ve been hoping for a long time is that someone will finally speak. If that doesn’t work, it would be like an empty bottle thrown into the sea…”

As a reminder, it was on the morning of December 14, 2017 that the mobile phone of this young woman (then 20 years old) was bound for the last time in the Canclaux district, where she lived in a small apartment. Léa Petitgas never went to work and the friend with whom she had spent the evening the day before was cleared of all suspicion. Since then, the investigation has been deadlocked. Calls for witnesses launched twice by the police did not yield any significant result.

More than 250 calls during the previous show

The show, presented by Julien Courbet and Nathalie Renoux live from 9:10 p.m., will also return to the cases of Caroline Marcel (a mother who left to jog and was found dead) and Jacky Hecquet (a dead worker crushed by his van , following an attempted theft). According to M6, 262 calls were received during the last broadcast. Last June, the body of young Lucas Tronche was discovered two weeks after the show which was dedicated to him.

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