The last testimony of MavaChou in “Sept à Huit” on TF1

On December 22, YouTuber MavaChou, of her real Maëva Frossard and mother of four children, committed suicide. The same day, a complaint was filed in the name of Maëva and her new spouse for moral harassment and provocation to suicide against her ex-husband and against X, explained Me Stéphane Giuranna, lawyer in Epinal. Two weeks before again, she was giving an interview to the show Seven to Eight on TF1 to talk about family channels on YouTube but also the cyberstalking of which she was a victim. With the agreement of the family, his testimony was broadcast Sunday evening.

“I came to want to stop living”

“It’s a wave and it’s out of control. It is ultimately indelible. The Internet is indelible, MavaChou tells the camera, after reading several hateful comments, sometimes as many as 1,000, that she can receive each day. When we type my name, we can always find that. it’s disgusting, I have no other words, I’m sorry. “

The 32-year-old mother also evokes her suicide attempts: “I came to want to stop living. We give up in fact, if I am a monster, then I am going ”. And points out the responsibility of her ex-husband but also of Internet users: “How can we not put ourselves in people’s shoes, how can we participate in that? For me, this is unthinkable. I would like there to be an example, and this example will be my ex-husband so that all those who revolve around them say to themselves “we have exceeded the limits” and that they have an awareness. It may be a needle in a haystack, but in my life, it’s huge ”.

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