the last operational reactor of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant has been disconnected from the network, announces the Ukrainian operator

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9:12 p.m. : A little earlier, this Volleyball World Cup was the scene of a beautiful story. The Ukrainian team, which was not qualified, but was drafted at the last moment after the exclusion of Russia, qualified for the quarter-finals by general surprise by beating the Netherlands . The best result in their history.

(Jure Makovec / AFP)

6:13 p.m. : It is 6 p.m., here is the point on the news:

• Emmanuel Macron called, during a press conference, the French to “be at the rendezvous of sobriety” to deal with the energy crisis.

• Fourteen departments are placed in orange alert to thunderstorms this afternoon and tonight. Hérault and Gard are also affected by the risk of rain and flooding.

The last reactor of the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant has been disconnected from the electricity grid, announces the Ukrainian operator Energoatom. Follow our live.

• The government takes legal action after a report revealing “serious malfunctions” at the IHU in Marseille, when it was directed by Didier Raoult.

5:30 p.m. : French President Emmanuel Macron reaffirmed this midday “the imperative need to preserve safety” nuclear facilities in Ukraine, during an interview with his counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, according to the Elysée. As they had done during an exchange on August 16, the two leaders took stock of the situation at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, occupied by Russian forces, whose last operational reactor was disconnected from the electricity network. during the day.

3:36 p.m. : “Reactor number 6 has been shut down and disconnected from the network”Energoatom announced on Telegram, implicating a fire “which declared itself because of the bombardments” and damaged a power line connecting this unit to the Ukrainian grid.

3:36 p.m. : The last reactor of the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant has been disconnected from the electricity grid, announces the Ukrainian operator Energoatom.

1:08 p.m. : The Russian occupation administration controlling the region of Kherson, in the south of Ukraine, suspends the preparations for the referendum of annexation by Russia of this territory, currently the target of a major Ukrainian counter-offensive. “We were prepared for the vote, we wanted to organize the referendum very soon, but due to the events of the moment, I believe that we will take a break for the moment”said a Russian official on the Rossiïa-1 channel.

1:01 p.m. : The envelope of 500 million released by the EU which we were telling you about earlier will be devoted to the housing and education of displaced persons as well as to Ukrainian agriculture. This funding falls within the framework of European commitments announced in the spring.

12:31 p.m. : The EU releases new aid of 500 million euros for Ukraine.

11:52 : Moscow assures that the stoppage of Russian gas deliveries to Germany via the Nord Stream gas pipeline was the sole fault of the West. “The pumping problems [de gaz] emerged because of Western state sanctions. There is no other reason for these problems”said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

11:30 a.m. : Does Russia continue to get rich despite European sanctions? That’s what Jordan Bardella said yesterday. Russia has seen its revenues increase, particularly in the energy sector. But this is not the case for the rest of the Russian economy, which is notably subject to sanctions, such as the departure of Western companies or the exclusion of Russian banks from the Swift network. More explanation here.

Jordan Bardella, in June 2022. (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS)


08:23 : 💬 “Sanctions against Russia are working, and they will work more and more and have more and more effects. Russian GDP is falling, this is reducing its ability to finance its war effort”@MinColonna, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs #RTLMatin

twenty five past eight : “Sanctions against Russia are working”says Catherine Colonna, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, on RTL. “Russia’s GDP is down, many parts of its industry are being hit.”

07:17 : Franceinfo’s special envoys in Ukraine collected the testimony of a young soldier, seriously injured in Mariupol in March. Yurii, a soldier from the 36th Marine Infantry Brigade, lost a leg, blown off by a rocket. Captured by the Russian army, he then benefited from a prisoner exchange in June.


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