The largest Breton flag in the world unfurled in front of the Château des Ducs

The castle of the Dukes of Brittany in Nantes has never lived up to its name so well. This Sunday at the end of the morning, a gigantic Breton flag, the largest in the world, was symbolically unfurled at the initiative of supporters of a referendum on the attachment of Loire-Atlantique to Brittany. This giant Gwenn ha Gu of 1,400 m2, 46 m long by 31 m wide and weighing 300 kg, was deployed on the ground in front of the castle in the presence of a hundred people.

“Referendum 44”, could be read on one of the nine black stripes of the zebra flag which was then carried and rotated by the participants between the water mirror and the castle to the sound of bagpipes. In an open letter, more than 200 elected officials from all political stripes and a thousand associations asked presidential candidates on Friday to commit to organizing a referendum in 2024 on the attachment of Loire-Atlantique to Brittany.

A large gathering on March 27 in Paris

Many curious people and tourists, as well as elected officials from the Nantes municipality, attended this gathering from the ramparts of the castle, according to the A la Bretonne association which organized this action. The flag was “easier to unfold than to fold, reacted Christophe Prugne, president of the association. This enters into the series of actions that one undertakes. We wanted to bring a spectacular image to the writing addressed to the candidates for the presidential election. »

The A la Bretonne association has planned a large gathering in Nantes on Sunday March 27 and wishes to invite the candidates for the Elysee Palace to a meeting the next day at the Maison de la Bretagne in Paris.

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