The Justice Minister’s draft law: Violence against women should be punished more severely

Status: 07/18/2022 06:58 a.m

The extent of misogyny in Germany is shocking – Justice Minister Buschmann wants to change the penal code for more consistent penalties. Acts of violence should not be trivialized as “private tragedies”.

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann wants to punish violence against women more severely in the future. He told the newspapers of the Funke media group:

Every day women experience violence from men – simply because they want to live freely and self-determinedly. Every day women are hurt, traumatized or even killed – because they defy male domination mania. In our country, too, the extent of misogynistic violence is shocking.

Therefore, paragraph 46 of the Criminal Code, which defines the basis for sentencing, should be supplemented. If a perpetrator acts out of racist or anti-Semitic motives, for example, this already has an aggravating effect on the sentence.

According to Buschmann’s draft law, the paragraph should be supplemented by “gender-specific” and “anti-sexual orientation” motives. The SPD, Greens and FDP had agreed in the coalition agreement last year.

No more trivializing

Acts of violence by men against women “should not be trivialized as ‘private tragedies’ or ‘jealousy dramas’,” argued Buschmann. Gender-specific violence must be named as such and punished with the necessary severity.

With a corresponding change in the penal code, he also wants to send a signal to society: Anyone who attacks women out of male possessiveness is acting in a particularly blatant way against our system of values.

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