the Israeli army carries out strikes on southern Lebanon, shots on its territory have been claimed by Hezbollah

Benjamin Netanyahu announces that Israel stops supplying electricity to Gaza

After a meeting of the Israeli security cabinet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the country’s decision “to interrupt transfers of electricity, fuel and goods to Gaza”. In fact, much of Gaza was plunged into darkness after nightfall, since Israel provides almost all of the electricity in the territories.

“We are heading into a long and exhausting war. This war was imposed on us by a murderous Hamas attack,” added Mr. Netanyahu after the meeting, which served to take measures to “destroy Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities”.

“The first stage is currently being completed with the destruction of the majority of enemy forces that have infiltrated our territory,” did he declare. “We have started the offensive training, this will continue wholeheartedly and relentlessly until the objectives are achieved. We will restore security to the citizens of Israel and we will win”he added.

For its part, Hamas said it was preparing for a potentially long fight. “We are ready for all options, including all-out war”Deputy head of the Hamas political bureau Saleh Al-Arouri told Al-Jazeera television. “We are ready to do whatever is necessary for the dignity and freedom of our people”he added.

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