the isolation period reduced to seven days for vaccinees who test positive

People positive for Covid-19 will have to self-isolate for a period of between seven and ten days, under a simplified protocol, says French Minister of Health Olivier Véran in a interview at Sunday newspaper dated January 2.

As the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 continues to advance in the country, which has recorded more than 200,000 new cases daily for four consecutive days, Mr. Véran says the importance of“Avoid the destabilization of social and economic life”. “Everyone can hear that if everyone is in isolation, the country is at a standstill, which is damaging, including for the health of the French, he explains. And I would like to stress that this change in the rules is only possible thanks to our excellent vaccination coverage rate. “

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It announces a harmonization of the code of conduct in the event of contamination, whatever the variant, and a reduction of the isolation period from ten to seven days for vaccinated people.

“As of tomorrow, positive people whose vaccination schedule is complete will have to isolate themselves for seven days. This isolation can be lifted after five days in the event of a negative antigen or PCR test. Those who are not vaccinated will have to isolate themselves ten days, with a possible exit after seven days under the same conditions “, he said. Contact cases will have to isolate themselves for seven days and be tested.

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“If you have a complete vaccination schedule, you will be able to continue your activities provided you have regular tests”, says Mr. Véran. “The first, a PCR or an antigen, on D0, the day you learn that you are in contact. Then, you will have to perform a self-test on D + 2 and D + 4. By providing proof of your first screening on D0 at the pharmacy, you will receive all the self-tests necessary for your follow-up free of charge..

As for contaminated caregivers, the minister indicates that the High Council of Public Health has validated the possibility for them “To waive solitary confinement under certain conditions and to continue working even if[ils ont] the Covid-19, s’[il n’ont] few or no symptoms “. “The caregivers being by nature vaccinated, it is a question of allowing the continuity of care, taking into account the very great health tension and the high number of positive personnel or cases of contact”, he explains.

“This fifth wave may be the last”

Mr. Véran confirms that the Omicron variant, very contagious, is less dangerous than the Delta variant, both active in the country. “The English data published yesterday confirms it: there are three times less severe forms of the disease with Omicron than with Delta”, says Mr. Véran.

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Omicron is, according to the minister, too contagious to be completely stopped, unless strict containment is instituted. “This fifth wave may be the last. Omicron is so contagious that it will affect all populations of the world. It will lead to reinforced immunity: we will all be more armed after its passage “, he hopes.

Also in an interview with the JDD, epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet indicates that the peak in the number of Covid-19 cases “Should peak in mid-January”. “The peak in the number of cases is expected to peak in mid-January; the peak hospital could take place a week later (…) Ile-de-France will be the first to be affected ”, he says. In “A hospital already severely tested by twenty-two months of health crisis”, he says to expect “To a huge logistical and organizational challenge”.

The epidemiologist believes, however, that “The increased use of teleworking will play an important role” to reduce the level of this peak, as well as “Aeration or ventilation efforts” classes and canteens. He recommends stopping gym classes and indoor choirs for the time being. The peak will have “For a limited period” because patients with this variant have a lower need for mechanical ventilation and stay in hospital for less, according to Mr. Fontanet. This member of the Scientific Council is confident that“Term”, this virus “Will join the other seasonal coronaviruses”.

The World with AFP

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