The investigation by the Brest judicial police is over

Those close to Héléna Cluyou will never have answers to their many questions. On Thursday February 9, 2023, the lifeless body of the Brest student was discovered charred in a forest in Argol, at the entrance to the Crozon peninsula (Finistère). The young woman who should have celebrated her 21st birthday on February 1 had been missing since January 29 and an evening spent in the One Club nightclub, located on the port of Brest. The day the nursing student’s lifeless body was discovered, investigators could only note the death of the main suspect. Admitted to hospital after a double suicide attempt, Sylvain L. died without being able to be heard by the police, taking his secrets with him.

Eight months after the tragedy, the judicial police have just announced the closure of their investigation, prosecutor Camille Miansoni told 20 minutesconfirming a information from Telegram. The magistrate praised the “careful and complete investigation” which made it possible to establish several major facts of this murder. According to the judicial police, the young woman was killed “by asphyxiation”. By who ? Presumably by Sylvain L. This 36-year-old Brest resident had confided to his brother that he had “committed something stupid, that his life was over” and that “it was an accident”. He also clarified that it was indeed “the disappearance that everyone was talking about”.

Many questions remain unanswered. According to investigators, the young woman was the victim of “a chance encounter in the Recouvrance district”. The suspect and the student “did not know each other.” Beyond the confessions of Sylvain L., investigators can rely on the DNA traces of Héléna Cluyou discovered in the suspect’s vehicle which was partly set on fire. According to prosecutor Camille Miansoni, the suspect in this murder presented “a predatory profile”.

His death “extinguishes public action”, confirms the Brest magistrate. No prosecution can therefore be initiated. “The case will therefore be closed without further action due to termination of public action,” specifies Camille Miansoni. The disappearance and then the announcement of the death of the young Brest student had caused a significant stir in Brest. Six thousand people paid tribute to him during a march organized in February.

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