The Imafidon, the smartest family in the world

The pressure is at its peak for high school students who are taking the first baccalaureate exam today. Although the majority of them are aged 17 or 18, each year has its share of records in the field. In 2024, for example, the youngest candidate for the general and technological baccalaureate is only 9 years old.

It was at this same age that Paula and Peter Imafidon, nicknamed the “Wonder Twins”, passed the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) in mathematics in Great Britain. A highly publicized success at the time, which is not necessarily due to chance. The opportunity to look back on their history.

Head and legs

It all started in 2009, when the Imafidon twins entered British and even world annals. And for good reason, Paula and Peter are the youngest students to pass the advanced mathematics exam at Cambridge University after participating in the Excellence In Education program.

After this success, they have continued to shine and are overflowing with ambition. Peter excels in sport, since he is champion in 4×100 m and 4×400 m but wishes to get involved in politics to become Prime Minister. Paula is the County rugby champion and wants to teach mathematics. If in the eyes of the British this is a miracle, for them it is not unusual. Peter and Paula have joined the lineage of the extraordinary family of gifted people, Imafidon.

Five children, five geniuses

Anne-Marie, the eldest, aged 27 today, speaks six languages, obtained her high school diploma at 10 and her master’s degree from Oxford University at 17. Christiana, 22, was the youngest student in history to attend a British university at age 11 and is now a PhD in mathematics for the University of Oxford. Samantha, the third of the siblings, coached the twins to succeed. In 2005, she was the youngest person to pass two GCSEs in one sitting. Wishing to be an example for other young girls, she said she encourages them “to get involved in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, because there is simply not enough of it for the moment “.

Our Baccalaureate file

Five children and all have broken records with early success. Raised in a stimulating family environment with the constant support of their parents, these siblings of geniuses followed the example of the father of the family, Chris Imafidon, renowned researcher and consultant in international education to several governments. He advocates personal development and education. “If you really want a child to learn something, find out the best way for them to learn it,” he says. Every human has a unique way of learning. »

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