The husband’s lawyers accuse the gendarmes of “playing Cluedo”

The interrogation of Cédric Jubillar only lasted a little over three hours this Friday at the Toulouse courthouse, in the office of the judges responsible for investigating the disappearance of his wife Delphine. Suspect No. 1 in the case was to be heard on the prison confidences made to “Marco”, an inmate to whom he allegedly confessed to having killed the nurse. This prison confidant is notably at the origin of the placement in police custody, on December 15, of the new companion of Cédric Jubillar then more recently of vast excavations launched to find the bodies of the thirty-year-old around
Cagnac-les-Mines and which did not succeed.

When they left, at midday, the painter’s lawyers were rather annoyed by the turn of the investigation. “We are a bit lost,” said Emmanuelle Franck, member of the trio of defenders. We are annoyed because every month we have to fight against new scenarios. »

“It would be almost laughable if a man was not in custody”

She is referring to new information that appeared Thursday in The Parisian and revealing that the gendarmes had found traces of blood, being analyzed, in the white Peugeot 306 of an acquaintance of Cédric Jubillar. The hypothesis would be that the husband could have borrowed this vehicle in the middle of the night to conceal his wife’s body. And this, while the mist noted by the gendarmes in the couple’s car on the morning of the disappearance was so far part of the elements in charge. “The prosecution is in distress (…) The gendarmes are playing Cluedo”, tackles Alexandre Martin, another lawyer for Cédric Jubillar. “It would be almost laughable if a man hadn’t been in detention for nine months now,” said his colleague.

This new episode confirms the lawyers’ intention to submit a new request for the release of their client at the beginning of next week.

Delphine Jubillar disappeared from her home in Cagnac-les-Mines on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, in full curfew. Her husband, who fiercely proclaims his innocence, was indicted and imprisoned six months later. At the time of the disappearance, the couple were going through a divorce, with Delphine planning to settle down with another man. The track favored by the gendarmes is that of yet another marital dispute that would have gone wrong. So far, all the searches undertaken to find the body of the mother of the family have remained in vain.

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