the husband confesses to having killed his wife and to have thrown her in the Marne

In the night from Sunday to Monday, a 52-year-old man went to a police station in Meaux (Seine-et-Marne) to confess the murder of his wife, learns 20 minutes police source. The suspect, who presented himself to the police at around 12:30 am accompanied by his son, explained to them that he had argued the day before with his 59-year-old wife. He admits to having suffocated her with a pillow, then having transported her body to the banks of the Marne where he threw it into the river.

Alerted by his half-brother to the mother’s absence, the couple’s son questioned his father, who ended up telling him the truth. The victim’s body has not yet been found. An investigation was opened by the prosecution, entrusted to the judicial police of Meaux.

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