the house of Chahinez Daoud, murdered in 2021 by her ex-spouse, looted

Chahinez Daoud and her children lived in a house in Mérignac, which she rented from a social landlord.
Marie-Hélène Hérouart / Le Figaro

Placed under seal after the assassination of the young woman on May 4, 2021, the house she rented in Mérignac was opened to her family and children three years later, on May 7, so that they could collect some belongings. .

Le Figaro Bordeaux

Immolated in front of her home by her ex-spouse in Mérignac, on May 4, 2021, the assassination of Chahinez Daoud was experienced as “an attack” by some of his neighbors. Three years later, on May 7, the victim’s children and their grandparents were able to access her house, which had until then been sealed. A particularly painful moment for them. “I cried a lot when I entered my daughter’s house. There is nothing left, everything has been stolen or broken, except the rags. I don’t understand why the children weren’t allowed to get their things back and I’m very angry that my daughter’s beautiful things were stolen.”entrusted to Figaro Djohar Daoud, Chahinez’s mother, very bitter a few days after this visit. “The house was looted, we were in the dark: it was gloomy and inhumane”confirms Anne Ruggerio, a former neighbor of the deceased, who was with the family on May 7 during the visit.

“I was sick when I came into this house, Melissa (Chahinez Daoud’s daughter, Editor’s note), has cried. I collapsed on a bed. I don’t understand why the house wasn’t protected from burglaries.”, continues the grieving grandmother. Placed under seal after the events, the social housing that the victim rented was in fact visited several times by looters. “It was not closed properly, the front door was barricaded but the garage door (set on fire by Mounir Boutaa, Editor’s note) was open. One day we saw a gypsy in the garage. When we questioned him, he replied that the assassin owed him money (sic)”, confides Anne Rugerrio. The resident claims to have reported these passages to the police, like other neighbors. Anguished by this empty house and “unprotected” reminding him of the tragedy, Anne Rugerrio and her husband had chosen to move, a year after the events.

When contacted, the Bordeaux public prosecutor’s office and the social landlord Domo France declined to comment. According to several corroborating sources, burglaries of sealed homes are, however, rare and in this specific case, the procedures were apparently respected.

“Nothing is wrong with this story”

For the parents of Chahinez Daoud, who came to live in France to raise their grandchildren in the West as the deceased wanted, the disappointment and anger are however immense. “I don’t know French law well, but I see it with my heart: they did not protect my daughter and now (the state of the house, Editor’s note), it is still suffering for the children. Nothing is going well in this story., deplores Djohar Daoud. Beyond the parts of the house burned by Mounir Boutaa before the assassination of Chahinez Daoud, several hundred thousand euros of work must now be carried out in the house, according to his family.

On site, Hassan, the eldest son of Chahinez Daoud, did not find the computer he so wanted to recover. Mélissa had the jewelry that her late father had given her stolen. The only consolation for the young girl: finding the carpet in her room and her mother’s makeup, which once cleaned, can be used. Some worthless personal effects of the deceased should also be kept by Djohar Daoud, who needs them to move forward on his mourning journey.

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