The hospital center victim of a cyberattack

The Corbeil-Essonnes hospital is the victim of a cyberattack. The hacking, which began on the night of Saturday to Sunday around 1 a.m., seriously disrupts the activity of the Sud Francilien hospital center (CHSF).

A ransom demand of 10 million dollars, formulated in English, was demanded by the hacker or hackers, revealed a police source to AFP.

White plan triggered

The Essonne hospital launched a white plan on Sunday. This attack makes “for the time being inaccessible all the hospital’s business software, the storage systems (in particular medical imaging) and the information system relating to patient admissions”, indicated the establishment in a statement.

The National Authority for the Security and Defense of Information Systems (Anssi) was “quickly seized by the crisis unit”, he added, subsequently detailing the methods of taking charge of the patience.

Displaced patients

Patients whose care requires access to the technical platform are redirected to public hospitals in Ile-de-France. Those presenting spontaneously to the emergency room “are assessed and then possibly sent to the medical center on duty at the Sud Francilien hospital center”, according to the press release. For patients hospitalized at the CHSF, “the medico-technical services (in particular medical biology) are able to work in the short term in degraded mode”.

The establishment “does everything possible to maintain outpatient care”, he promises, but “on the other hand, this exceptional situation should have an impact on the activity of the operating room”. “This attack does not impact the operation and security of the hospital building”, reassures the hospital center which specifies that “all the networks remain in activity (telephone with the exception of the fax, automated flow of distribution, etc.). Contacted by AFP, management declined to comment on this text.

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