The hospital center paralyzed by a computer failure

A major computer failure has affected the Brest hospital center since Wednesday morning, which has been forced to cancel and postpone all the interventions scheduled for the day. “All hospitalization activities and technical platforms (imaging, biology, block) are suspended except for vital emergencies,” the hospital establishment said in the morning.

The reception of emergencies was also disrupted, patients being invited to go to other establishments.

The white plan triggered

The “white plan” was triggered “with reinforcements requested from the laboratory and computer services side”, indicated the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Brittany in a press release, confirming information from West France.

“Degraded procedures have been put in place in the services. The scheduled interventions have been canceled and postponed”, added the ARS, inviting the population to “not go spontaneously” to the hospital center “and to call 15 if necessary”.

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