The highest number of classes closed since the start of the school year

The number of classes closed because of the Covid-19 epidemic rose sharply this week, to the highest since the start of the September school year, to stand at 4,048, or 0.8% of the country’s classes, announced on Friday. the Ministry of National Education. This is more than three times higher than the previous figure, dating from October 22, before the All Saints holidays, which was 1,246 closed classes. Since the start of the school year, the number of closed classes had risen to nearly 3,300 on September 16, before gradually falling and then rising slightly at the end of October.

This progression is explained by the new wave of coronavirus. For two weeks, the number of contaminations has increased very rapidly, in the order of 40 to 50% per week. And elementary school students across France must wear the mask again since Monday, when it had gradually fallen in most departments during the month of October.

28 primary schools closed

In an interview with Le Parisien on Tuesday, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer had mentioned the figure of 1,057 closed classes, while stressing that it would “necessarily increase as always in the periods following the holidays”. In this weekly point, with data stopped at noon Thursday, the ministry also indicates that 28 primary schools are closed because of the epidemic, or 0.05% of schools in total.

A total of 10,962 cases of Covid have been confirmed in students over the past seven days, out of a total of 12.2 million students, up from 3,620 on October 22. They are 776 among the staff of National Education out of 1.2 million people, against 257 at the end of October. By geographic area, the academies of Créteil, Versailles, Lille, Nantes, Lyon, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Toulouse and Reunion are the most affected by class closures, each with more than 200 closed classes.

These figures are however significantly lower than those of last spring, before the schools were closed for several weeks, when the number of closed classes had risen to more than 11,000 at the beginning of April. It then went down to 5,110 classes closed at the end of May.

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