the High Health Authority gives the green light to three new vaccines, adapted to the Omicron variant

The High Authority for Health has approved three anti-Covid vaccines adapted to Omicron for a new booster vaccination campaign planned for this fall and coupled with that against the flu, she announced in a press release on Tuesday.

A booster dose offered to people at risk and caregivers

This new booster dose will be recommended to people at risk of severe form, their families and caregivers. The HAS recommends “indifferently one of the three bivalent vaccines”: two were developed by Pfizer / BioNTech, and the third by Moderna. All three have recently been validated by the European Medicines Agency.

“Based on the available data and in an epidemic context marked by the majority circulation of the BA.5 sub-variant”, HAS recommends “preferably” using one of these vaccines, all to messenger RNA, for a new fall booster dose. This recommendation applies regardless of the anti-Covid vaccine initially administered to the person.

Vaccines that evolve according to new virus strains, such as the flu

Like seasonal flu vaccines, updated each year to take into account the viruses that are most likely to circulate during the winter, bivalent mRNA vaccines are not new vaccines but vaccines adapted to circulating strains. “underlines the HAS in its press release.

At the same time, HAS maintains its recommendation to combine the vaccine reminder campaign against Covid-19 with that of vaccination against influenza, which will start on October 18. A concomitant injection or the same day of the two vaccines is possible, she recalls.

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