The hidden side of the testicles

Evoking the testicles is letting yourself be surprised by the flowery language of the French language: balls, bells and kidneys, roubignolles and roupettes, roustons, burettes, coucougnettes or valseuses… testicles, often in pairs, sometimes alone, are male genital glands, housed in a skin pocket located under the penis. They have an exocrine function (production of sperm) and an endocrine function (production of male hormones, in particular testosterone).

The testicles, fertility and contraception

How do the testicles work, what are they for? What are the most common problems and diseases of the testicles? You will know everything about the hidden side of the testicles, in our appointment Everything is explained podcast Wait a minute !, with doctor Vincent Hupertan. Urologist, sexologist, he is the author, with Valérie Robert, of The Encyclo-Penis, at Leduc. s editions.

What happens with torsion, infection, swelling, cancer? What prevention and what possible treatments? What male contraception? How to overcome the possible embarrassment of showing one’s intimacy? We talk about it with the doctor Vincent Hupertan.

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Everything is explained is a weekly interview meeting where we discuss sexuality, health and society. If you have questions on these topics, we send them to health professionals and experts so that they can answer them in a podcast. How to do ? Write us a message at: [email protected]

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