The heat wave has no direct influence on the circulation of the coronavirus

This Monday and Tuesday, the peak of the heatwave episode will be reached in many French regions with temperatures that can exceed 40°, especially in Brittany and Hauts-de-France. At the same time, the level of circulation of the coronavirus remains “very high” and new admissions to hospital and critical care are on the rise according to Public Health France. Can we conclude that the heat wave has an influence on the circulation of the virus? No, at least not directly.

If there are periods more conducive than others to the circulation of certain viruses, such as winter for the flu, this is not the case for the coronavirus. Proof if any, the waves have succeeded whatever the seasons. Moreover, contacted by 20 minutesthe regional health agency (ARS) of Hauts-de-France and Public Health France have confirmed that there is no study on a possible link between peak heat and the spread of Covid-19.

It’s all about behavior

However, if no direct link has been demonstrated, there is still a risk in terms of “behaviours which influence transmission in one direction or the other”, recognizes the ARS. This even generates contradictory instructions from the health authorities. Against the coronavirus, it is recommended to ventilate the premises regularly and to limit the use of air conditioning. Against the heat wave, it’s exactly the opposite. “In this context, the prevention of the heat wave is privileged”, made a point of specifying Public Health France. At least on ventilation to fight against the transmission of Covid-19 which “must be limited to the cooler hours, when the outside temperatures are below the inside temperatures”.

The perspiration generated by the heat makes the protection provided by the masks ineffective, which must be changed as soon as they are damp. The use of fans in the presence of other people, public water points, proximity to cooled places can also be vectors of transmission. It is all the more a headache for the people most vulnerable to Covid who are also the most vulnerable to high heat.

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