The health pass is no longer compulsory in large shopping centers

Since Monday, Loire-Atlantique was one of the few French departments to require the presentation of the health pass to access large shopping centers (more than 20,000 m2). This was a request from the prefect in view of the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic. Six hypermarkets and their shopping malls, all located in the Nantes metropolitan area, were thus forced to apply the deposit despite the astonishment of customers. But the rule has already changed this Thursday. The Loire-Atlantique prefect announces that the famous pass will no longer be compulsory there until further notice!

The government decided on Wednesday that the trigger threshold for the obligation of the health pass in large shopping centers will now be a level of contamination of 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. But in Loire-Atlantique, the incidence rate is, for the moment, 149 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, reports the prefecture.

Return of the pass in a few days?

The managers of the six shopping centers concerned can therefore rejoice. But maybe not for very long. Because “if the health situation were to develop unfavorably, a decree prescribing the implementation of the health pass will be taken again”, warns the prefect.

As a reminder, the shopping centers affected by the health pass obligation since Monday were Beaulieu and Paridis (Nantes), Atlantis (Saint-Herblain), Océane (Rezé), Pôle sud (Basse-Goulaine) and Auchan (Saint-Sébastien- sur-Loire).

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