The health pass in suspended shopping centers?

The “domino” effect began on August 24 in the Yvelines and is continuing. On Saturday, the prefectural decree imposing the presentation of the health pass in shopping centers in Essonne was suspended by the administrative court of Versailles. And less than a week after the entry into force of the measure, appeals were filed in all the departments of Ile-de-France: a hearing was thus held this Monday morning on the subject of the decree taken in Val-d ‘ Oise, another is to take place in Paris on Tuesday noon.

“All our appeals are based on the same criterion of access to basic necessities,” assures Me Tarek Koraitem, who initiated these appeals with his colleague Me Yoann Sibille. In the Yvelines as in Essonne, the judges of the administrative court ruled in their favor: by indiscriminately imposing the health pass at the entrance to shopping centers, these decrees prevent those who do not have access to certain essential shops. , especially supermarkets and pharmacies. “There is no political dimension in our fight, insists the council. We are neither for nor against vaccination, we are standing on the right side, quite simply. “

Two weeks to appeal

If the two lawyers do not take as an argument the improvement of the health situation in the region, it could work in their favor. At the beginning of August, the government had, in fact, asked the prefects to impose the sanitary pass for surfaces of more than 20,000 m² in the departments where the incidence rate exceeds 200 per 100,000 inhabitants. However, there is now only Seine-Saint-Denis which displays such a rate. “In several departments, when the orders were taken, we were already below 200 cases per 100,000”, notes Me Tarek Koraitem.

The government has not, however, said its last word and refuses to discuss a development for the time being. As soon as the decree was suspended in the Yvelines, he announced his intention to appeal this decision. “For the moment, we are still waiting, assures Me Tarek Koraitem. We were not informed of any proceedings. “

For the Yvelines, the maximum period of fifteen days runs until Tuesday, September 7. On RTL, Sunday, Gabriel Attal reiterated the executive’s intention to appeal these suspensions. “We consider that the health pass must continue to apply for the moment in the places for which it has been planned,” insisted the government spokesperson.

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