The Great Mosque of Paris announces to file a complaint against Michel Houellebecq

The Great Mosque of Paris announced, Wednesday, December 28, on Twitterfile a complaint against the writer Michel Houellebecq after “very serious remarks he made about the Muslims of France”. The institution refers to a “long conversation” between M. Houellebecq and Michel Onfray, published in November in a special issue of the journal Popular Front.

According to Michel Houellebecq, whose remarks were transcribed in the press release from the Grand Mosque, “When entire territories are under Islamic control, I think acts of resistance will take place. There will be attacks and shootings in mosques, in cafes frequented by Muslims, in short Bataclan upside down”.

Still according to his transcribed words, “the wish of the native French population, as they say, is not for Muslims to assimilate, but for them to stop stealing from and attacking them. Or else, another solution, let them go ».

The Great Mosque of Paris qualifies these “lapid phrases” of“unacceptable and staggeringly brutal” and denounces “the essential opposition between ‘Muslims’ and ‘French stock'”. According to the press release, signed by the rector Chems-eddine Hafiz, the words of Michel Houellebecq are a “call for rejection and exclusion”a “incitement to hatred against Muslims”.

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