The Great East very divided with five departments out of ten who voted Marine Le Pen

On the map of metropolitan France, only two regions voted more for Marine Le Pen than Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election. But Le Grand Est has not gone far from reaching Hauts-de-France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. About two points away…

The outgoing president, now re-elected, obtained 52.07% of the vote from Strasbourg to Reims via Nancy and Langres. And, in detail, five out of ten departments of the Grand Est have “elected” the representative of the National Rally. These are the least populated and most rural areas.

It was in Haute-Marne that Marine Le Pen signed her best score, with 56.66% of the votes, or just over 72,000 people who slipped her ballot into the ballot box. The Ardennes follow (56.66%), ahead of the Meuse (55.61%), the Vosges (52.42%) and the Aube (51.68%).

Emmanuel Macron in the lead in five departments

Conversely, Emmanuel Macron convinced in the five other departments of the greater region. The five most populated and which include at least one major metropolis: Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Reims, Metz and Nancy. It is in the Bas-Rhin that the representative En Marche collects the most votes: 58.96% of the votes cast, or 320,000 people who have placed their trust in him.

The Alsatian capital is not for nothing. In Strasbourg, 77.65% of voters chose Emmanuel Macron. The trend is the same in the Eurometropolis with 71.46% in Schiltigheim or 67.34% in Illkirch, the two other large towns in the conurbation.

The Haut-Rhin is also, as in 2017, remained faithful to the outgoing president, by nothing (52.90%). His victory is barely wider in the Marne (52.10%), a bit better in Meurthe-et-Moselle (54.42%) and really meager in Moselle (50.46%).

Here again, cities have distinguished themselves from rural areas. Emmanuel Macron is well ahead in Metz (67.19%), Nancy (76.18%), Reims (61.83%) and Mulhouse (65.80%).

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