The Grand Prize for political humor awarded to Marlène Schiappa

“We are not going to forbid threesomes” … It is with this sentence, used to defend her bill to fight against polygamy, that the Minister in charge of Citizenship, Marlène Schiappa, won the Grand Price of political humor 2021, this Tuesday.

The jury of the “Press Club, humor and politics” prize, chaired by Olivier de Lagarde, chose this clarification provided by the minister at the microphone of Radio J among 16 “little phrases” competing for the title of the funniest word of the year in politics.

Recidivism price for François Hollande

The Jury Prize is awarded to the sovereignist presidential candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan for his declaration: “I am strong among people who are on the verge of voting”. The “Miot” Game Prize (in tribute to Jean Miot, creator of the prize) and the Special Jury Prize are awarded to Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former Prime Minister: “When the right grows harder, it shrinks”.

The Encouragement Prize was awarded to Audrey Pulvar, deputy mayor PS of Paris Anne Hidalgo: “What is happening with extreme votes and abstention is the concrete translation of the effects of global warming”. The Recidivism Prize was addressed to former President François Hollande: “Michel Barnier has a prince charming side for retirement homes”. The Marcel Duchamp Prize was awarded to the Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot: “As my grandfather said, it is better to have people in your tent who pee outside than the other way around”.

“Press club, humor and politics” for Edouard Philippe

Emmanuel Macron was awarded the Sigmund Freud Prize, for his response to a farmer during her visit to a fair in Provence: “The pension reform, we will do that when we drop the masks”. The prize for the revelation of the year was awarded to Sandrine Rousseau, candidate for the ecological primary: “I live with a deconstructed man and I am super happy”.

Finally, the Internet User Prize was awarded, ex-æquo, to Prime Minister Jean Castex – “The less we feed self-propelled controversies, the better we are” – and to LR senator from Paris Pierre Charon: “Xavier Bertrand wanted to be hypersonic , it is subsonic, it has not passed the sound barrier ”. The “Press club, humor and politics” prize was won in 2019 by Édouard Philippe. When asked whether it all went back to Matignon, the Prime Minister at the time replied: “No, just the shit. “Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the prize had not been awarded in 2020.

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