the governor of the Russian region of Belgorod says he is ready to meet the pro-Ukraine Russian fighters

POINT ON THE SITUATION Fighting continues in the Belgorod region, bordering Ukraine, where Russian anti-Putin fighters have been carrying out an incursion for several days. They offer to exchange prisoners during a meeting with the governor.

By Le Figaro with AFP

Published update

Fighting continues in Belgorod, an area targeted by Ukrainian bombings the last days. The governor of this Russian area bordering Ukraine said he was ready on Sunday, June 4, to meet the pro-Ukraine Russian fighters who claimed responsibility for the recent attacks.

These soldiers had proposed a meeting to exchange prisoners. “The only thing that prevents me from negotiating with them is our men who are in their hands, maybe they are already dead…Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on Telegram. “But if they are not, they can go from 5:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. French time) to 6:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. French time) at the Shebekino border post. I guarantee security.»

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Vyacheslav Gladkov also announced that “fightingtake place in the village of Novaya Tavoljanka. “A sabotage group has arrived, now there is fighting in Novaya Tavoljanka“, he said on Telegram. “I hope they will all be destroyed“. A total of seven people have died this week in the fighting targeting these border villages, according to Russian sources.

The governor also called this Sunday the inhabitants to evacuate areas subjected to bombardments which have intensified in recent days. The artillery fire also forced thousands of residents to take refuge in Belgorod, the regional capital. The mayor of this city, Valentin Demidov, claimed that around 5,000 people fleeing the bombings had registered with the authorities.

A girl killed in Dnipro

An airstrike in Dnipro in central Ukraine injured 22 on Saturday night. “The Russians attacked the city“, posted Zelensky in stride on Facebook. “They struck between two two-story residential buildings. Unfortunately, there are people under the rubble“. A video posted by Zelensky shows rescuers searching the destroyed building, to the sound of industrial drills.

Saturday’s strike destroyed two buildings in a residential area of ​​Dnipro, as well as ten houses, a store and a gas main, according to Dnipro region governor Serhiy Lysak. The body of a young girl has been removed from the rubble, he announced on Sunday morning. “In the night, the body of a girl was recovered from the rubble of a housefrom the Pidhorodnenska district,she had just turned two“, he posted on Telegram. Besides, “22 people were injured, including five children“, he added in his latest assessment of the attack on the Dnipro district.

An airfield hit by strikes on Sunday

On Sunday, Ukrainian authorities also announced that an airfield had been hit by a Russian strike near the town of Kropyvnytskyi in the center of the country. “Six missiles and five attack droneswere launched by Russian forces, Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ignat said on television. “Unfortunately, not all of them were destroyed. Of the six (missiles), four were destroyed by air defense and two hit the airfield near Kropyvnytskyi“, he added. Russia, on the other hand, claimed to have “conducted a combined strike with long-range, high-precision weapons from the air against enemy installations at military airfields“.

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In Kyiv, the head of the local military administration said beforehand that the capital’s air defenses repelled several missiles and drones overnight. “According to preliminary information, no air targets reached the capital“wrote Serhiy Popko on the social network Telegram on Sunday.

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For its part, the Russian army claimed to have carried out strikes on the night of Saturday to Sunday against Ukrainian military airfields, claiming to have hit command centers and equipment. “Last night, the Russian armed forces carried out a combined strike with long-range and high-precision weapons from the sky against enemy installations at military airfields“Said the Russian Ministry of Defense. “Command posts, radar stations, Ukrainian aviation equipment and a depot with armaments and ammunition were hit“, added the ministry, without giving any indication of the location of these aerodromes.

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