the government will request the “heaviest sanctions against rioters and looters”

Can you explain to me what the relationship is between Azerbaijan and New Caledonia please?


Hello, what is Azerbaijan doing in this story? What is its interest?


Do we have proof of the “Azerbaijani interference” mentioned by Minister Darmanin? If so, what would be Baku’s interest in doing this?


Hello GT, Thank you! and Curious,

This Thursday morning, the Minister of the Interior and Overseas Affairs actually accused Baku of interference in New Caledonia, without providing any further information. “On Azerbaijan, it’s not a fantasy, it’s a reality (…). I regret that some of the Caledonian independence leaders made a deal with Azerbaijan, that is indisputable. »

In mid-April, a pro-independence elected official from New Caledonia signed, in the name of the President of Congress, a memorandum of cooperation between him and the Azerbaijani Parliament, led by authoritarian President Ilham Aliev. This initiative was rejected by loyalist elected officials, who described it as ” shame “.

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Azerbaijan’s interference in France, through virulent denigration campaigns on social networks, began in 2022, before the last Nagorno-Karabakh war, which saw France side with Armenia against the ethnic cleansing launched by Baku in the enclave. A position which has cooled relations between Paris and Baku, with concrete consequences (dismissal of diplomats, campaign against the Paris Olympics, announced closure of the French high school in Baku).

A think tank and influence group, the Baku Initiative Group (BIG), was created by Baku in July 2023, For “support the fight against colonialism and neocolonialism”. This Thursday morning, the executive director of the OIG said : “Today we observe that the French Senate and the National Assembly have proposed illegal constitutional amendments in New Caledonia, and that the French government, by implementing such illegal constitutional amendments, is striving to maintain their policies neocolonialist in colonized regions. »

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