The government wants to ease off on minor speeding offenses

A few days before the first round of the legislative elections, the Ministry of the Interior is taking a step towards motorists. Place Beauvau informed several journalists on Wednesday that it wanted to relax the penalties for minor speeding, namely less than 5 km / h. “It’s not completely refereed, but the idea is that you lose more than one point,” says one place Beauvau. On the other hand, the offense would still be punished by a fine of 68 euros. A far from symbolic measure since nearly 6 out of 10 fines (58%) relate to excesses of less than 5 km / h, as indicated last April by the Ministry of the Interior to Senator Françoise Dumont (LR , Var).

The driving license and the gray card will be “also completely digitized”, specified the ministry, which hopes to implement digitization within “a year and a half, two years”. This measure must make it possible to guarantee that the person sanctioned is indeed the driver at fault and not a third party in order to prevent false declarations by the driver in order to avoid the deduction of points. “We will no longer be able to say that it was granny who was driving”, we quip on Place Beauvau.

“No impact on Road Safety figures”

“It’s a good signal”, greets Pierre Chasseray, general delegate of the association 40 Million motorists. This measure, he says, “will make it possible to prove that the fact of not sanctioning excesses between 1 and 5 km/h will not generate an epidemic of accidents in France, this will not have an impact on the figures of road safety “. According to him, the government must even go further, and demonstrate that radars are not “money pumps”. “The state must send a signal, and this signal is not to take the money also for minor speeding tickets. »

For her part, Anne Lavaud, the general delegate of the Prévention Routière association, does not understand the interest of this measure which she considers dangerous. “It is already possible to recover points by doing internships. And above all, on these speeding there, after six months, we recover the lost point if other offenses have not been committed in the meantime by the driver. The loss of points is therefore above all a deterrent for repeat offenders, ”she underlines. It also recalls that speed cameras also apply a margin of tolerance. “If you are verbalized 1 km/h above the speed limit, in reality you are 6 km/h above. »

2,947 dead in 2021

This measure, she concludes, can be taken “as an invitation to drive faster, at a time when road safety figures are on the rise again”. A total of 2,947 people died on the roads of mainland France in 2021, a toll down 9% compared to 2019, before the pandemic, according to Road Safety.

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