The government is “in its role”, says Christiane Taubira, who corrects the situation on vaccination

Reverse for the former minister. Asked about Jean Castex’s announcement, the possible left-wing presidential candidate, Christiane Taubira, said on Saturday that the government was “in its role when it chooses the vaccination pass and not compulsory vaccination”, adding that vaccination was “Our best weapon against the pandemic”.

The former Minister of Justice also stressed that the government had a “scientific committee which allows it to make the best choices because obviously there are no objective, scientific, material elements”, he added. she declared on a visit to the Ile-de-France city of Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) the day after her video where she said “consider” a candidacy in 2022 to unite on the left.

“Parliament will play its role”

“When the government, in its role, in its place, under its responsibility, chooses to transform the health pass into a vaccination pass and does not choose compulsory vaccination, it must nevertheless ensure the public hospital services and resources in terms of staff and capacity. ‘welcome and care that suit the political choices he makes,’ she added.

“Parliament will play its role,” she continued, without saying specifically whether she was for or against. Christiane Taubira then went to a Red Cross vaccination center, a trip filmed in a video posted on social networks with this comment: “Respect for our healthcare teams who protect us and save lives. The vaccine is our best weapon against this pandemic ”.

“The vaccine is the answer to the pandemic”

“The best way not to endanger these personnel, neither in exhaustion, nor in fragility, nor in danger is to be vaccinated by what we know scientifically well that this is the current response to the pandemic” , she says in the video.

“We are in a city or a department where there has been a very strong reluctance, and it is very encouraging to see that more and more people are coming to be vaccinated,” she underlines. She defends there “the conviction that the vaccine is the answer to the pandemic, that the vaccine is the gesture that one must make for oneself and for the others”.

Controversy in September

Asked in September about the fact that she did not call on Guyanese to be vaccinated, she replied: “I am a political leader who is not in office and who therefore does not have the information that is needed. would formally allow him either to give instructions or to consider that, in view of these elements of information, I consider that I am making a responsible statement ”.

On Friday, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced that a bill would be presented “at the beginning of January” to transform the health pass into a vaccination pass, a negative test no longer sufficient to enter places subject to the pass (restaurants, museums, cinema , etc.). The introduction of a health pass raised heated debates in Parliament, which extended this pass in November until July 31, 2022, i.e. after the presidential election in April.

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