The Germans love honey

natural food
Honey: The Germans love sweet stuff

The war in Ukraine is also having a negative impact on the honey market in Germany – importers fear shortages.

© Karl-Josef Hildenbrand / DPA

In Germany, almost one kilogram of honey is consumed per capita every year. However, most of the sweet stuff has to be imported from abroad.

Every inhabitant in Germany consumed around one kilo of honey in 2020. That shows the extra-Graphic based on estimates by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). Consumption has thus increased by around 100 grams compared to the previous year. In part, this is due to the higher numbers and productivity of bee colonies in this country.

Natural Food: Honey: The Germans love the sweet stuff

Ukraine is Germany’s largest supplier

However, most of the honey used in Germany is imported from abroad. The most important suppliers are Ukraine (15,465 tons), Mexico (13,530 tons) and Argentina (12,747 tons). German beekeepers produced a total of around 29,500 tons of the sweet substance last year. Of course, this is far from enough to cover a need of one kilo per inhabitant.


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